Types of Dinosaurs恐龙的种类
Dinosaurs roamed the Earth millions of years ago.恐龙在数百万年前游荡在地球上。
They varied in size and shape.它们的大小和体型各不相同。
Some were fierce predators.有些是凶猛的捕食者。
Others were gentle herbivores.其他则是温和的食草动物。
Discover their unique characteristics.探索它们独特的特征。
Let’s explore different types of dinosaurs.让我们一起探索不同种类的恐龙吧。
Tyrannosaurus Rex霸王龙
Tyrannosaurus Rex was a fearsome predator.霸王龙是令人恐惧的捕食者。
It had sharp, massive teeth.它有锋利且巨大的牙齿。
T-Rex walked on two powerful legs.霸王龙用两条强壮的腿行走。
This dinosaur had excellent vision.这种恐龙视力非常好。
Its diet consisted of meat.它的食物以肉类为主。
T-Rex dominated its environment.霸王龙统治了它的环境。
Triceratops was a large herbivore.三角龙是大型食草动物。
It had three distinctive horns.它有三个独特的角。
Its frill protected its neck.它的颈盾保护了它的脖子。
Triceratops moved on four sturdy legs.三角龙用四条强壮的腿行走。
Its diet consisted of plants.它的食物以植物为主。
It lived in herds for protection.它们成群结队地生活以获得保护。
Stegosaurus had a unique appearance.剑龙有着独特的外观。
Its back was lined with plates.它的背上排列着板状物。
It had spikes on its tail.它的尾巴上有尖刺。
Stegosaurus was a slow-moving herbivore.剑龙是行动缓慢的食草动物。
It used its tail for defense.它用尾巴进行防御。
Velociraptor was a small, agile predator.迅猛龙是体型小且敏捷的捕食者。
It hunted in packs.它们成群结队地捕猎。
This dinosaur had sharp claws.这种恐龙有锋利的爪子。
Velociraptor was very intelligent.迅猛龙非常聪明。
Velociraptor could run very fast.迅猛龙能跑得非常快。
Brachiosaurus was a towering herbivore.腕龙是高大的食草动物。
It had a long neck.它有着长长的脖子。
This dinosaur could reach tall trees.这种恐龙能够到高大的树木。
Brachiosaurus walked on four legs.腕龙用四条腿行走。
It had a small head for its size.相对于它的体型,它的头很小。
Ankylosaurus was heavily armored.甲龙拥有厚重的护甲。
It had a clubbed tail.它有一条棍状的尾巴。
This dinosaur was a herbivore.这种恐龙是食草动物。
Ankylosaurus had a low, wide body.甲龙的身体又矮又宽。
This armor protected it from predators.这些护甲保护它免受捕食者的攻击。
Pteranodon was a flying reptile.翼龙是一种会飞的爬行动物。
It had a large wingspan.它有着宽大的翼展。
This creature had a long beak.这种生物有长长的喙。
Pteranodon was not a true dinosaur.翼龙并不是真正的恐龙。
Its diet mainly consisted of fish.它的食物主要是鱼类。
It soared over oceans and lands.它在海洋和陆地上空翱翔。