The Life Of A Star English Japanese Bilingual Kids Book

星の一生 - 日英バイリンガルキッズブック

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The Life Of A Star English Japanese Bilingual Kids Book

The Life Of A Star


Stars are big balls of gas.

They shine brightly in the sky.

Stars have a life cycle.

They change over time.

They are important for the universe.

nebula bilingual book for kids


Stars start in a cloud of gas.

This cloud is called a nebula.

Nebulae are colorful and beautiful.

Stars are born in nebulae.

They are nurseries for new stars.

protostar bilingual book for kids


A star begins as a protostar.

It is very young and hot.

Gravity pulls gas together.

The star starts to shine.

Protostars are the earliest star phase.

star life bilingual book for kids

Main Sequence

Stars spend most time here.

Our Sun is in this stage.

Stars burn hydrogen fuel.

They shine steady and bright.

Main sequence is the longest stage.

red giant bilingual book for kids

Red Giant

Stars become red giants.

They grow very big.

They cool and turn red.

They burn helium fuel.

Red giants are near the end.

planetary nebula bilingual book for kids

Planetary Nebula

Red giants shed outer layers.

This forms a planetary nebula.

It glows in space.

The core is left behind.

They create beautiful space clouds.

white dwarf bilingual book for kids

White Dwarf

The core becomes a white dwarf.

It is very small and hot.

It slowly cools down.

White dwarfs are very dense.

They are remnants of small stars.

supernova bilingual book for kids


Some stars explode as supernovae.

This happens very quickly.

Supernovae are very bright.

They create new nebulae.

They spread elements in space.

neutron star bilingual book for kids

Neutron Star

Some stars become neutron stars.

They are very small and dense.

They spin very fast.

Neutron stars are very strong.

They are remnants of massive stars.

black hole bilingual book for kids

Black Hole

Some stars become black holes.

They have very strong gravity.

Nothing can escape them.

Black holes are invisible.

They warp space and time.