Explore a variety of bilingual audiobooks and choose a topic that interests you. 探索各种双语有声书,并选择一个你感兴趣的主题。
Some children may enjoy reading the same book multiple times, which is wonderful! 有些孩子可能喜欢多次阅读同一本书,这很棒!
Repeating the same bilingual audiobook reinforces language acquisition and strengthens comprehension skills. 重复听同一本双语有声书可以加强语言习得并提高理解能力。
We recommend that young children and early readers make bilingual books a natural part of their reading routine. 我们建议幼儿和初学者将双语书籍作为日常阅读的一部分。
This way, they can seamlessly develop literacy skills in two languages without extra effort. 这样,他们可以自然而然地掌握两种语言的读写能力,而无需额外努力。
Line-by-line translations make it easy to learn vocabulary and verbs. 逐行翻译有助于轻松学习词汇和动词。
How To Use 30 Verbs And Pronouns Section
如何使用 30个动词和代词部分
Look, Listen, Read Along... Write
看,听,跟读... 写
Look at the repeated English-Spanish lines. 看看重复的英语-西班牙语句子。
Remember when kids used to write lines as punishment? 还记得孩子们以前会抄写句子作为惩罚吗?
Repetition helps reinforce grammar rules for the future, present, and past tenses. 重复练习有助于加强未来时、现在时和过去时的语法规则。
It also strengthens memorization through pattern recognition. 它还通过模式识别来增强记忆能力。
Listen to bilingual audio. 听双语有声书。
We all recognize “¡Vámonos!” or “Let’s go!” from Dora the Explorer. 我们都知道《爱探险的朵拉》中的“¡Vámonos!”或“Let’s go!”
The audio plays on repeat so you can hear both English and Spanish pronunciation, making it easier to internalize. 音频会循环播放,让你听到英语和西班牙语的发音,从而更容易掌握。
Read Along/Out loud
跟读 / 大声朗读
Read along—out loud! 跟着朗读——大声读出来!
After looking at the sentences and listening to the pronunciation, join in! 看完句子并听完发音后,跟着一起读吧!
Short sentences make it easy to follow along, helping you practice both reading and speaking—similar to guided reading. 短句子让你更容易跟读,有助于练习阅读和口语,就像引导式阅读一样。
This method allows kids and language learners to develop language skills independently. 这种方法可以帮助孩子和语言学习者独立发展语言能力。
Write using the provided worksheet. 使用提供的练习纸进行书写。
For those who can write, we recommend copying the future, present, and past tense sentences. 对于能够书写的学习者,我们建议抄写未来时、现在时和过去时的句子。
Writing reinforces memory and deepens understanding. 书写可以加强记忆并加深理解。
Present Tense
现在时 (xiànzài shí)
I read every day. 我每天都读书。
I read every day. 我每天都读书。
I read every day. 我每天都读书。
I read every day. 我每天都读书。
I read every day. 我每天都读书。
I read every day. 我每天都读书。
So Simple, Kids Explain It best!
Why This Works
Like anything else, learning a language requires repetition and exposure. 和学习其他技能一样,学习语言需要重复练习和持续接触。
We recommend starting with just one pronoun—‘I’—and learning one verb per week. 我们建议从一个代词——“我”开始,每周学习一个动词。
Each week, focus on learning and memorizing five simple sentences. 每周专注于学习和记忆五个简单的句子。
Aside from learning one verb per week, also explore bilingual audiobooks. 除了每周学习一个动词,还可以探索双语有声书。
Listen to and read one book per day that interests you to increase exposure to the language naturally. 每天听和阅读一本你感兴趣的书,以自然地增加对语言的接触。
Final Note
The sentences follow a future → present → past sequence, mirroring real-life conversations. 这些句子按照未来 → 现在 → 过去的顺序排列,模仿真实的对话方式。
We typically talk about what we plan to do, then do it, and later reflect on it. 我们通常先谈论计划做的事情,然后去做,最后回顾它。
To simplify learning, we’ve focused on just one form of the future and past tense in all languages. 为了简化学习,我们在所有语言中只专注于一种未来时和过去时的形式。
This makes speaking feel more natural and less overwhelming for beginners, encouraging immediate use of the language. 这样可以让初学者觉得说话更加自然,不那么有压力,并鼓励他们立即使用语言。
We hope this makes language learning a little easier for you! Enjoy! 希望这能让你的语言学习变得更轻松!享受学习吧!